School for Vampires Wiki


Netflix summary: -

Main Characters[]

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# Photo Episode
1 301 "Vampires and Robbers" "Vampire und Räuber"
Klot accidentally lets a pair of fugitives into the castle.
2 302 "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" "Besuch im Hause Polidori"
Sunshine's scheme to teach a snobby relative a lesson puts Oskar in real danger.
3 303 "Transformer" "Hypnosestunde"
Stoker's hypnosis hits the wrong target.
4 304 "On My Honour, Your Honour" "Der Vampir-Brownie-Dieb"
As Oskar goes on trail for brownie theft, the other vampires piece together what really happened.
5 305 "Truth Fairy" "Die Zahnfee"
A debate about the Truth Fairy's true nature divides the school.
6 306 "Vampires from Outer Space" "Vampire aus dem Weltall"
Leechy's new invention lands a fellow vampire in the hands of an alien hunter.
7 307 "Dr. Leechy and Mr. Cool" "Tinto alias Mr. Cool"
Leechy plays it cool to impress a girl.
8 308 "A Vampire's Kiss" "Vampirkuss"
An unlikely romance blossoms when Gothetta's love potion lands in the wrong hands.
9 309 "Superstition" "Der verfluchte Fletscher"
A run-in with a fortune teller leave Stoker haunter by bad luck.
10 310 "Hairless Mister" "Das Porträt"
The vampires try to keep Oxblood from learning what he really looks like.
11 311 "A Work of Ashley" "Kunstwerk Ashley"
Ashley find a new calling when he accidentally rolls into town.
12 312 "The Mummie's Curse" "Thut Zahn Amuns Erbin"
A visiting Egyptian princess drives a wedge between Gothetta and the other vampires.
13 313 "Who's Vampello?" "Vampello ist los"
Oskar enters the crypt of a dreaded vampire and makes a surprising discovery.
14 314 "The King of Goth'n Roll" "Der König des Grottenrocks"
A visit from a vampire pop star rekindles an old rivalry.
15 315 "How to Scare a Vampire" "Projekt Angst"
The vampires try to find the one thing that scares the count.
16 316 "Inside Out" "Polidori Undercover"
Polidori enters the castle in disguise, but he's not the only one with a sneaky plan.
17 317 "The Vampire Hunter Hunter" "Der Vampirjäger-Jäger"
Oskar panics when the count calls in a famous vampire-for-hire to get rid of Polidori.
18 318 "Hello Baby" "Babysitteralarm"
A human baby turns life at the castle upside down.
19 319 "Klot's Millions" "Klott und der Goldschatz"
When Klot stumbles upon a fortune, the vampires compete for his attention.
20 320 "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow" "Helden und andere Angsthasen"
The kids win a visit from their TV hero and discover he has a big secret.
21 321 "Topsy Turvy" "Dr. Eisenzahns Überraschungsbesuch"
A cure for Oskar's blood phobia has an unintended side effect.
22 322 "Blood Relatives" "Campingausflug mit Folgen"
The count tries to bond with Oskar on a camping trip, but nothing goes as planned.
23 323 "Undercover of the Night" "Polidoris Vampirverkapsler"
Oskar is roped into a vampire hunt with Polidori on the night of a blood barbecue.
24 324 "The Arena of Terror" "Wrestling für Anfänger"
Stoker's love of wrestling get him into a tricky predicament.
25 325 "Zombie Amuck" "Zombiealarm"
The vampires return from a scary movie to find a zombie roaming the halls.
26 326 "Super Klot" "Superklott"
When danger strikes, Klot puts his superhero practice to good use.
Season Three